Minggu, 16 April 2017

Tugas Bahasa Inggris 2 Manajemen Universitas Gunadarma

Asti Dwi Indahsari (11216156)
1EA13 / S1-Management
Bahasa Inggris 2 (Softskill #2) Subject Verb Agreement, Object of Prepositions, Appositives.

Exercises A : (No.6)
6. In the past a career in politics was not considered acceptable in some circles (CORRECT)

Basic structure of sentence is Subject and Predicate. Subject can be name of person, an animal, a plant, a noun, or pronoun. Predicate usually a verb, it means a name of action that the subjects are working on or mention a situation. Sentence above shows correct answer because it contains of subject and predicate. ‘career’ on the sentences put as the subject because it is a noun. The italic word is a Prepositional Phrase. Prepositional Phrase is a combination of Preposition and Object Of Preposition. As example, ‘in the past’. ‘In’ is Preposition (in, at, of, to, by, behind, on, etc) and ‘the past’ is Object of Preposition. Object of Preposition is a noun, pronoun, gerund, or noun clause that comes after a preposition. Object of Preposition is not a subject. The underline word is verb, nominal verb. Nominal verb using to be or modals and followed with noun, adjective, or adverb.

Exercises B : (No. 1, 2)  
1. Valentine’s Day, February 14, is a special holiday for sweethearts. (CORRECT)

Sentence above is about Appositives. Appositives is a noun that comes before or after another noun and has the same meaning. Usually Appositives placed between commas. And if the appositive phrase leave out, the sentence still make sense. This sentence correct because is completed basic structure of sentence. ‘February 14’ is appositive phrase. Valentine’s Day is subject. Is a special holiday is verb. Its a nominal verb, because there is to be ‘is’ and followed with ‘a special holiday’ which include as adjective.

2. At long last, the chief executive officer, has decided to step down. (INCORRECT)

Just like previous question, this sentence is about Appositives. But this sentence is incorrect because incomplete sentences. There is no subject in this sentence. ‘the chief executive officer’ is appositive phrase. ‘has decided’ is verb or predicate. ‘at long last’ is a Prepositional Phrase.